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Made with Unity

Procedural generation

"In computer science, procedural (or procedural model) generation is the creation of digital content (game level, 3D models, 2D drawings, animation, sound, music, story, dialogues) on a large scale (in large quantities), in an automated way that meets to a set of rules defined by algorithms"

Definition Wikipedia

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Procedural generation of planets and terrains in Unity

Procedural generation of planets and terrains in Unity

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Procedural generation tool

A tool under development

Our technological solution TERRARIUM aims to help independent developers in their process of creating video games. Our tool, still in the development phase, will include a wide range of functionalities, separated into several offers. To help our users innovate, TERRARIUM is constantly developing its technology. So stay in touch to learn about our new releases and other changes. For a free demonstration, contact us today.

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Our journey

Our history

Our team is made up of 3 students in their 5th year of engineering school at CPE Lyon.

After having worked in the 4th year on the procedural generation of trees, we wanted to go further
far in this area. Thus, we decided to devote ourselves to the procedural generation of planets. 
We made the decision to work on two scales:
• Generation of low-detail planets with clearly defined attributes
• Generation of a more classic detailed terrain according to the properties of the corresponding planet.

By combining our skills acquired during our specialization in IMI (Image, modeling and computing) and self-taught, we were able to develop this tool within the Unity 3D software.

Details techniques

3 échelles de génération


Génération de planètes


Génération de terrain


Génération de détails


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